Tuesday, May 25, 2010


it's been 8 days since i've last posted. here's the runthrough:

had a good weekend with peanut. went to scarby, had some good times..decided i was going every weekend next year. it's just too pleasant of a place to pass up. so i'm getting season passes and going from there.

thursday i go for a sleep study. i'm not too keen on the idea...but alas...my doctor knows best (or so they say). it's to determine how bad my sleep apena is.

friday is jason's graduation. i'm proud as hell to call him my brother in law (even though it's techinically an ex brother in law.) to see him grow...makes me feel old.

got other things i need to get prepared for...the next two weekends. three. sorry...

leedy...i know you'll read this. i dig your boot. it's very rhinestone cowgirl of you. sorry that an old woman did further damnage...when you come back to visit, you should drop a line.

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